Africa’s demand for manufactured products is projected to increase thirty percent between 2020 and 2030. This growth is driven by population increase, rising incomes, and an expanding market. The growth is supported by initiatives such as the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, Regional Economic Communities, and changes in global supply chains.
Africa’s manufacturing sector faces challenges such as low productivity, outdated technologies, limited capital, energy shortages, and a need to shift to higher-value services. Consequently, Africa imports iron, steel, cement, paints, and basic consumer goods—for example, foods and beverages—that could be produced locally. Significant improvements are necessary for the sector to drive Africa's structural transformation.
We assist manufacturers in securing financing, forging technology partnerships, and modernizing operations to boost supply chain resilience, including transitioning to cleaner, renewable energy sources. We collaborate with investment agencies to drive new manufacturing investments and advocate for trade-enhancing policy reforms.